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Exercise 16 : Car consumption monitoring

Final Test

You have 8 hours (one working day) time and try to complete as many as steps in Car consumption monitoring exercise (modify repository file to include completed steps).


Your target is to create a React application, which can monitor car fuel consumption.

Application should display a following information from each refueling event:

  • date
  • car kilometers (and how much has been driven since the previous refueling)
  • refueled liters
  • price per liter
  • cost (calculated, not asked)
  • consumption L/100km (calculated, not asked)

and calculated total and average data from the above refueling events:

  • Total kilometers driven
  • Total costs
  • Average consumption L/100km


  • Step-1: Plan and create UI where user can give a needed data for a refueling event
  • Step-2: Use React hooks to get refueling data from UI (Step-1) to React Hooks variables
  • Step-3: Store data to Redux store (add a refuel event to store)
  • Step-4: Plan and create UI which displays each refueling events and calculated total/averages
  • Step-5: Load and show all refuel events from Redux store in the UI created in Step-4, calculate and show total/average values
  • Step-6: Add a removing functionality, user can remove a selected refuel event
  • Step-7: Use Routing to show (step-1 or step-4 UI)
  • +Step-8: Save data somewhere, so it will be available between app launching times
  • +Step-9: Include Recharts library (or some other) and use it to display consumption data
  • +Step-10: Include multi car support
  • +Step-11: Include login/password for your app
  • +Step-12: Publish your application to web server

Push exercise 16 / Car consumption monitoring to GitLab

Test your application in web browser, take screenshots and commit/push your project and screenshots back to JAMKIT/GitLab. Remember move your exercise/issue ticket from Doing to In Review in Issues Board and write your learning comments to issue comments.

Save screenshots to car-consumption-app folder.