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Practice Work


Students deepens their knowledge by doing a small application which works in web browser as a full stack application.

The planning and execution process of the practice work and the output are documented with practice work documentation in HTML format or repository markdown files in your git repository.

Practice work is optimally done in a group of 1-3 people. Bigger group size must be approved before work begins. The work done by each student must be clearly documented.

The topic of the practice work can be chosen quite freely, but it should be checked by the course teacher before starting.

The work will be presented in the practice work seminar according to a separately agreed schedule. The presentation can also be considered as a video presentation. The length of the video presentation is about 10 minutes. The presentation is not mandatory, but it affects the evaluation.

Student create practice work at own time. Guidance are given at lecture times.


Documentation should include at least following information:

  • Student name(s) and id's
  • Course information: TTC2080 - Full Stack Programming, Autumn 2024.
  • Date when practice work is done, for example Autumn 2024, Fri 09 Sep to Fri Nov 11.
  • Link to documentation and your practice work, which is available in the internet
  • Topic of your practice work
  • Describe what you have done, your project architecture, your JavaScript-functions (and relationship to other ones), UI mockups, REST end points, Database visualization etc...
  • Your source code should be visible not secret ones
  • You need to keep track of your doing, which includes: day, task information, time spent. Include also total hours. Every student need to keep that!
  • What are the strengths of your project work
  • What are the weaknesses of your project work
  • At the end, write your own feelings about your work with grade proposal for practice work.


Evaluation will be made with following formula

  • 65% Practice work programming, complixity, comprehensive, your application usability
  • 25% Practice work documenation
  • 10% Practice work presentation


Student need to create a repository to Jamk/IT GitLab. Remember give a reporter role to teacher (Pasi Manninen). This repository should include all needed information about practice work, so it can be evaluated.