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Exercises 8 : Full Stack (25p)

Remember use JAMK/GitLab to return your exercises. Student need to test that exercise really work.

Exercise 01 - Full Stack [10p]

Create a Todo Full Stack example application according to material M09 - Full Stack Example. Create a few modification to UI (modify styles, etc.). Give some unique Todo task to your self.

!Image 01

Exercise 02 - Modify Todo [10p]

Add a function to your Todo Full Stack example application that allows you to edit individual todo. You should show an e text with todo. Todo text will be visible/editable in UI when e text is clicked. In this case, the functionality of the Add button is changed to the Save button with a yellow background color. When the changes are saved in the database, the changed text is displayed in the Todo list and the text input field and button are returned to their initial state.

!Image 02

e text is clicked in the first todo item.

!Image 03

Changes are saved to database and UI is returned to initial state.

!Image 04

Return URL to code files and screenshots.

Exercise 03 - Publish [5p]

Node.js applications cannot be published in traditional web hosting. In general, you need a cloud hosting service for publishing, e.g. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Heroku,, ... Generally, cloud hosting services are used by cloning the local git-repository to the cloud hosting service. Heroku or are probably some of the easiest services to deploy. You can also use your own server operating system as a virtual server (e.g. JAMK's VLE environment or Digital Ocean Droplet) and configure it for running the Node.js application.

Check out the Node.js application publishing possibilities and publish one of your Node.js/Express applications using the publishing method of your choice. As a minimum, "publishing" also counts as continuing to use your Node.js/Express application in your (WLAN) home network on another device, e.g. a mobile browser.

You can check for example these links:



The task is returned by pointing to the URL to the description, where you describe the steps of use and installation related to the publication. Attach as many screenshots as needed.