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TTC2080 Full Stack Programming

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General information

Name Full Stack Programming
Code TTC2080
Target Group Bachelor's Degree
Number of ECTS Credits 5
Recommended Year of Study 2nd year
Language English/Finnish
Prerequisites and co-requisites HTML, CSS
Grading 0-5
Communication Dedicated Microsoft Teams channel: #Full Stack Programming
Lecturer Pasi Manninen
Building JAMK/IT - Dynamo


Welcome to Full Stack Programming course! After completing this course student are able to implement small-scale web applications used in real roles, carry out interface programming in a web browser as well as server programming on a server.

This course mainly focuses to give introduction to JavaScript, Node, Express and Mongo (Full Stack).


This course contains a lot of exercises, so the main goal is to learn by doing!

Items of assessment

Exercises (mandatory)

Exercises teaches the basics of the Web development with a JavaScript programming language. Student need to todo at least 50% of the exercises (measured in practice task points) to pass the course. There are totally 165 points behind exercises in Autumn 2024.

By returning the exercises alone, the course grade is determined according to the following table.

 Exercises done  Number
< 50% 0
>= 50% 1
>= 70% 2
>= 90% 3
  • Exercises are returned in the Jamk/IT GitLab with exact rules
  • Each exercise has exact rules/task what student need to follow to complete exercise

Read more information: How to work with Exercises

Practice Work (optional)

Students deepens their knowledge by doing a small Web application which works in web browser. The results of the practice works are documented and presented in a seminar or with a recorded video, if student is participating in virtual studies.

Read more information: How to work with Practice Work

The course grade can be increased 0-2.

Course Evaluation

Course will be evaluated with exercises and practice work. Student needs to do at least 50% of exercises to pass the course. Practice Work is optional and it can give 0-2 more to student grade.

Participation in the course

Student need to start working within the first three weeks or student will be removed from the course participants.

eRPL Accreditation

You can apply for the accreditation of previously completed higher education studies or for the recognition of competence acquired in other ways (RPL) in Peppi.


Course will contain video lectures, exercises and optional practice work. There are no exact timetable to return exercises or practice work. All exercises and practice work will be evaluated when course ends or earlier if student wants credits graded.

  • Video lectures: 15h
  • Exercises: 80h
  • Assignment: 40h
  • Total: 135h


It is good to do exercises at the same time as the lectures are running! Create your own timetable, when you are creating exercises. The final returning date is when the course ends.


All the course materials and exercises can be found in a below table and a left menu.

External material links


Lab Topics Video Duration
easy Course introduction. Introduction to JavaScript and web. The main goal is to learn the basics of JavaScript. video 01:07
FSP0101 - Course introduction video 08:14
FSP0102 - Exercises introduction video 05:58
FSP0103 - Practice Work introduction video 05:56
FSP0104 - Web introduction video 07:02
FSP0105 - JavaScript - part 1 video 26:43
FSP0106 - Exercise01: JavaScript basics 1 video 09:54
easy Introduction to JavaScript continues. You will learn to use objects, create own classes and write a functions a few different ways. video 01:05
FSP0201 - JavaScript - part 2 video 31:13
FSP0202 - Exercise02: JavaScript basics 2 video 04:43
medium Introduction to Document Object Model, DOM. You will learn how to modify your HTML document when it is visible in web browser. You will get basic understanding how to handle events with mouse and keyboard. video 00:55
FSP0301 - DOM - Document Object Model video 49:05
FSP0302 - Exercise03: DOM video 07:10
medium Student will learn how to load and parse JSON data. You will understant how to handle Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript Fetch API. video 01:04
FSP0401 - JSON, Promise and FetchAPI video 31:36
FSP0402 - Exercise04: Load data from the Web video 07:51
hard Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. Node runs the V8 JavaScript engine outside of the browser - mostly used in the server side programming. Student will learn how to use JavaScript programming in server side. video 02:11
FSP0501 - Node.js video 47:48
FSP0502 - Exercise05: Node.js video 05:39
hard Express is a free and open-source Node.js web application server framework which is specifically designed for the building a web applications. It is the most popular choice to building web applications with a Node.js. Student will learn to create routes/endpoints which are used in server side REST based application. video 01:25
FSP0601 - Express.js video 45:32
FSP0602 - Exercise06: Express.js video 08:25
medium MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for high volume data storage. MongoDB uses collections and documents, instead of tables and rows which are used in the traditional relation databases, like MySQL. Student will learn to use MongoDB Atlas Cloud from MongoDB Compass applicatoin and own made Node based application. video 02:14
FSP0701 - MongoDB video 39:31
FSP0702 - Exercise07: MongoDB video 12:56
red This demo describes the principles of creating a Full Stack Todo Application with Node.js and Express. User can add and delete todos. The todos are stored in the MongoDB database and are visible on the web page. video 01:28
FSP0801 - FullStack Todo example app video 19:37
FSP0802 - Exercise08: FullStack video 11:35